Before Talking About a Better World, We Must Resolve Outstanding Issues
Para realizar los tramites referentes a solicitudes de programas sociales, las unicas organizaciones autorizadas son CLUB UNESCO COMPSE.
Miembro del movimiento de los Clubes UNESCO ( Region America Latina y el Caribe ) y la Federación de Pueblos Originarios Indigenas, CrynCoin no se hace responsable de ningun otro tramite realizado fuera de estas organizaciones autorizadas y debidamente registradas.
The Value Of Cryncoin Is Not Given By The Origin, It Is Gived By The Destiny
The Digitalization Of Philanthropy
Cryptocurrency That Emerged With
The Digital Financial Evolution
Native Communities
Plataforma ABC
Global Warming
Introduction Team
Our team is born from the need to solve a global means of trust without borders, which from any part of the planet, those who have the blessings of intelligence and wealth, can help those who are born in places of less possibilities and intelligence.
We are just a group of people who vibrate with the desire to achieve a better world, where all human beings have the same opportunities and that we learn to respect our planet earth, protecting it for the next generations.
As the origin of the Universe, our team is just a little energy and matter from which CRYN arises for the development of goodness for the benefit of the most needy on the planet all about trust. Our team a decentralized platform may govern itself, to help ONGs raising money to launch and help the world.

Project Function Model Diagram
Buy Cryncoin At True Cost
May 1st 2019
Project idea brought to life
May 10 2019
Exchange finexbox
March 25 2022
Coingecko listing
March 30 2022
Creating of Telegram
June 20 2023
Listed at bitmart
August 1 2023
Cryprocurrency charity of the year 2023 by wealth and finance magazine
August 16 2023
Listed at Lbank